CP³ serves as a transformative smart city tool, propelling municipalities toward the realm of efficient smart planning, budgeting and ultimately operations. Through CP³’s capabilities, municipalities gain the means to discern the optimal approach between city-wide strategies and sector-specific tactics for their various ventures. CP³ empowers planners and officials to delineate precise scopes and targets to achieve better service delivery. This process lays the groundwork for crafting impactful strategies that facilitate seamless implementation, charting the course towards enhanced delivery excellence.
#SmartCities #Municipalities #Cities #IntermediateCities #SouthAfrica #UrbanPlanning #InclusiveCities #SocialJustice #EconomicEquity #SustainableCities #ResilientCities #NationalDevelopmentPlan #Novus3 #AdvisoryServices #CP3 #Budgets #SoftwareSolutions #PeopleOrientated #LetsMakeADifference #CEF #Capex #ValueAdd #CP³Modules #CP³Functions