From the Municipal Systems Act No. 32 of 2000, the single most important strategic plan of a municipality, the IDP, must be inclusive of a financial plan which includes budget projections for the next three years. This is fundamental to ensure that the vision, objectives, and strategies set out by the municipality in the strategic plan is achievable through proper funding, whilst ensuring the financial sustainability of a municipality. Therefore, the three-year budget sets out the revenue raising and expenditure plan of the municipality for approval by council. The allocation of funds needs to be aligned with the priorities in the IDP.
CP³ develops a multi-year rule-based defendable and transparent project-based budgets based on the municipality’s priorities and sustainable affordability limits. This is done through evidence based and defendable prioritisation and financially based modelled, rule based budgeting. Prioritised projects are fit within an affordability envelope ensuring that available resources are going to projects that are appropriate and ready. This approach to budgeting, proves to be a powerful new way to not only develop capital budgets, but to provide a platform where budgetary discussions can be held based on the principles and objectives of the strategic plan as opposed to the subjective opinion of individuals.
Contact us for more information and we can set up time to discuss ways in making your municipality deliver a budget that is transparent and defendable!
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