Local governments are under constant pressure to find alternative ways to improve the delivery of public services and infrastructure, whilst facing several other administrative challenges. Some of these challenges relate to the multitude and complexity of processes involved with the project planning, project preparation and budgeting process that forms part of the overall local government accountability cycle i.e., IDP, SDBIP, budgeting, and in-year reporting. Therefore, it is important for municipalities to onboard solutions that are responsive, innovative and sustainable.
Using a system-based approach, CP³ creates value at varying scales for each component of the local government accountability cycle. Using our clients as case studies, it has been illustrated that CP³ has solved challenges relating to the accountability cycle, in the way it integrates with other municipal systems, the level of efficiency it creates, the time it saves, the optimal and on-point budgets it creates and how it transforms the local government environment through the promotion of transversal behaviour and thinking.
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