Local government entities face the challenge of allocating resources to projects that address the diverse needs of their communities while working within budget constraints. To do this effectively, they must develop a prioritisation model that aligns capital demand projects with the strategic objectives of the municipality. This requires the use of a multi-criteria assessment framework that considers a range of factors, including environmental, social, economic, and governance objectives.
A multi-criteria assessment framework is a tool that helps local governments to evaluate the relative merit of different capital demand projects in a systematic and transparent manner. It does this by comparing each project against a set of pre-determined criteria that reflect the strategic priorities of the municipality. The framework considers multiple factors that are critical for project success, including cost, impact on the environment, and social and economic benefits. By using a multi-criteria assessment framework, municipalities can make informed decisions that maximize the impact of their investment in capital demand projects.
Capital demand is a term used to describe the total amount of funding required to complete all capital projects that a municipality has identified as priorities. Capital projects are typically infrastructure and public works projects that require significant investment, such as the construction of roads, bridges, and community centres. Capital demand can often exceed available funding, which means that municipalities must prioritise which projects to fund and which to postpone or cancel.
To address this challenge, we applied a multi-criteria assessment framework to assess all capital demand projects against the strategic objectives of the municipality. By doing so, we were able to identify the projects that would have the most significant alignment with the municipality’s strategic objectives. We then compared the results of the prioritisation model to the current funded budget to determine whether funds were being allocated to the priorities of the municipality.
Our study highlights the importance of using a multi-criteria assessment framework to guide budget decisions. By applying this framework to all capital demand projects, local governments can ensure that they are allocating resources to the projects that will have the most significant strategic impact. This approach provides a transparent and objective basis for decision-making that maximizes the impact of public investment in capital projects.
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